Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies include severe toothaches, broken teeth, or gum bleeding, prompt attention is crucial to ease pain.

Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies are urgent situations related to your teeth, gums, or mouth that demand immediate dental care. Whether it's severe toothaches, broken teeth, or gum bleeding. Prompt attention is crucial to ease pain, prevent complications, and possibly save your teeth and overall safeguard your oral health.

Dental emergencies happen to everyone, please text our phone number 24/7 at 905.433.9393 to let us know if you're in pain and we can book an appointment for you as soon as possible. For severe emergencies after hours please note that you should go to your nearest emergency department. During business hours, our team is available to respond to your concern and book your appointment as soon as possible.

In the meantime, here’s what you can do in some of the most common scenarios:

If your teeth got knocked out, do the following:

  • Try to handle the tooth from the lower part and avoid touching the root of the tooth (the part below the gum) because you can damage cells necessary for re-attaching it.
  • Gently rinse the tooth in water and remove dirt, please don’t scrub it or use any harsh materials.
  • Keep the tooth wet, you can try placing the tooth back in your mouth (if possible)  or keep it in a cup filled with milk or water.
  • Go to your dentist as soon as you can. 

If your teeth got pushed or moved out of position

  • Try to push it back to its original position with a very light finger pressure, do NOT force it.
  • Keep biting down to stabilize it as much as possible.
  • Go to your dentist as soon as you can. 

If your teeth got fractured….

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Try placing an ice pack or cold compress on the area to reduce swelling.
  • Use over the counter pain medication that you normally take (e.g. Tylenol or Advil).
  • Go to your dentist as soon as you can. 

If you have a severe toothache or start to notice your gums, face or jaw swelling…

  • Use over the counter pain medication to temporarily relieve the pain.
  • Rinse with a cup of warm water and a tea spoon of salt a few times a day.
  • Get it checked as soon as possible.

This type of pain might be caused by an infection, dental abscess or other underlying issues. Dental pain usually gets worse as time goes by so the sooner you are able to see your dentist the better.

If your filling or crown fell, try to avoid eating or drinking around the area, your tooth might be exposed to further damage and can be sensitive.

If your gums are bleeding due to cuts or injuries, try to stop the bleeding by applying some pressure using a clean gauze or cloth and go to your dentist or emergency room as soon as you can.

If you’re not sure whether you have a dental emergency, please contact us by texting or calling 905.433.9393 or send us an email at info@ksmilesdentalcare.ca and we can help take 

How much does an emergency appointment cost?

You can expect to pay around $150 for your emergency exam, that includes x-rays that are needed to asses the damage and diagnose any underlying issues. After your exam, our doctor will be able to determine the cause and provide you with the recommended treatment and the expected fees.

Is there a way to avoid Dental Emergencies?

  • We know that nobody plans to get injured, there are however some tips to help you decrease your chances of having to deal with dental emergencies. Those are some tips:
  • Avoid eating hard candies, popcorn kernels, or chewing ice, those are hard and can crack your teeth.
  • Wear your Sports guard when you’re participating in contact sports. If you don’t have a sports guard or if its worn down, ask your dentist to make you one. Custom fitted sports guards protect your teeth better.
  • Don’t use your teeth to open, cut or tear things, this can cause unnecessary stress on your teeth.
  • Maintain a good at-home dental care routine.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for dental checkups and hygiene schedule. This is the best way to detect and fix small issues before they get worse and probably cost more later.

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